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Sunday, August 7, 2011

God is in the whisper

Family members young and old gathered on Sunday to pray for their loved ones making the journey to the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid Spain. This morning over 40 pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's 2 pilgrimage groups gathered at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist for Mass and to receive a pilgrims blessing from Archbishop Jerome Listecki.

After close to 20 months of preparation, it was obvious that all of the pilgrims were very excited to be making the epic journey to Madrid. Youth pilgrims from the Tyme Out Youth Center showed off their new tie-dye shirts which they hope will set their group apart from the rest of the 700,000 pilgrims in Madrid. In reference to the shirts one pilgrim simply proclaimed "They are awesome, why wouldn't you want one!"

Pilgrims from the young adult group, otherwise known as the "Milwaukee 2 Madrid" group which is being led by a joint effort between the Carmelite Friars at Holy Hill, St. Francis de Sales Seminary, and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee John Paul II Center, were donning spanish red shirts with a large outline of the State of Wisconsin and a quote from St. Theresa of Avila on the back. "St. Theresa is an important part of our trip because she is one of the patron saints of World Youth Day and she is very dear to my heart", commented one pilgrim as they put on their new t-shirt in preparation for the Mass.

At Mass, Archbishop Jerome Listecki welcomed the pilgrims to Mass and in his homily encouraged all present in the Cathedral and those listening to the radio Mass to listen for the many ways in which God communicates to us in the quite whispers of life. He concluded Mass with a blessing for all pilgrims and encouraged the participants to remember they are to "take with them the spirit of our great Archdiocese."

Pilgrims were also welcomed with donuts, coffee and juice in the Cathedral Atrium where group leaders addressed any final concerns or questions at a brief meeting.

With the pilgrimage starting in less than three days, pilgrims are packing their things and getting ready to head off to Madrid.

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