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Friday, November 12, 2010

A work in Progress

As I journey through life, I cannot help but constantly be reminded of the fact that I am on a pilgrimage. Everything around me seems to propel me forward toward the final end which is Communion with God. Every encounter, every charitable act, every prayer, every noticed breath is for God to do with whatever He wishes. I question the wisdom of Seneca when he said that "It is not that we have so little time, but that we have wasted so much of it." When I read this quote I am forced to ask if everything I do, that is not sin, is ordered toward God, then can it really be a waste of time?

Maybe what Seneca means is that we are spending too much time in sin and thus are wasting a lot of our life by not choosing to follow God with our whole heart, mind, and soul. I'd like to think the contrary and follow those who have said ages ago that we as human beings are ordered to the good and through the Grace of God choose the good over the evil. But being realistic, I'm keenly aware of my broken nature and after a brief reflection on my own life, the wisdom that Senica speaks suddenly becomes more wise then I had originally expected.

As I reflect on today's readings, I couldn't help be be moved to reflect on the precious gift of time. The urgency with which we should be working towards holiness should be a priority above all other priorities.

Let us pray today that our own lives may be a constant reminder that we know not the hour and we must fervently work each day with joy in our hearts and a humility that opens us up to the Grace God continually pours forth into the world.

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