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Friday, October 22, 2010

7th Grade Reflections

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to go into the 7th grade class at my teaching parish and spend some time talking with the kids about their faith life. My opening question to them was "why are we here". I didn't mean why we are at school, or in Muskego but rather I challenged them to think on a much larger scale. Here are there responses which I find incredibly inspiring, insightful, and some of them are really very funny. Please enjoy the wit of these budding theologians.

Why are we here?

Below is a compilation of answers to this question from 7th Grade students at St. Leonard’s School in Muskego, Wisconsin

- To love one another and help others out. Take care of the needy, and be respectful to each other. Love ourselves and always look at the good not the bad of your life. Be God’s servant, do what he originally put us here for. Honor His laws and do what he asks to be done.

- We are here because we have a journey ahead of us called life. God gave us talents, and inspirations to live like we are dying. We have a duty to be the best we can be. We are here to spread news, take care of our world, and to use our unique creativity to make a difference.

- We are here to do God’s will.

- We are here because God wanted to create something in his own image.

- Because God put us on this earth to be His children. We are called to serve others and respect, care, love, and bring peace on Earth. Sometimes it’s hard to do that, but we gotta try, right?

- To carry out God’s mission and live on what he created.

- We are here because Jesus loves me and everyone differently. He gives us all unique talents. We are here because he wants us to live our life different from one another and just be our self.

- We are here to help people with their problems, to bring joy to others, and to teach others about a subject that they are not very strong on.

- We are here because . . . God made us. He wanted to create something beautiful – and He did.

- To serve God and His people.

- To change our world!!

- This is where I was born. My mom lived here so did my dad. I’m here because they’re here. God loves us so we’re here. God set us where we belong. We’re here because of God.

- I think we are here to see if we are ready to go in God’s Kingdom, to spread the good word about God and Jesus. God is Good!

- We are here to carry out our own destiny and to show the world what we can do.

- To take a chance on a long-shot distance. God gave us a purpose in life and the opportunity is where we are right now, which is why we should take advantage of that. The people that surround us right now are going to help us in life.

- We are here to fulfill God’s promise in life. We are here to help one another and be good friends. We are here to be brothers and sisters to each other. WE are here to love one another and make each other happy. We are here to respect one another. We are here to be grateful for what God has given us. We are here to respect God’s creation and love what he did for us.

- To carry out God’s plan. To make God happy so God wouldn’t be lonely.

- We are here because god is. God put us here and made us exactly who we are. We are here as God’s creation and because this is where he put us and this is where he wants us.

- We are here because God created us.

- I think we are here because God wanted to show his deep love for us by putting us here on earth to respect each other.

- We’re here because God was lonely so he made us.

- I think we are here to follow God’s works and be like him. WE are here to make this world a better place. We should love one another and respect each other because we are all people of God.

- We are here because God (maybe) got lonely and we were his pets like some of us have pets.

- Were here because God gave us a purpose to take care of the world.

- We are here to love each other and God. We are here because of God.

- There are a lot of scientific reasons, but I hate that earth science stuff! We’re here because God put us here, not because energy from the sun stuff. God put every little blade of grass on this earth. That blade of grass may only be for my dog to pee on but it’s a reason.

- We are here to spread happiness and joy to others.

- Because God loved us and wanted us to go to our parent and follow his plan for us to live.

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