
Thanks for checking out my blog. I know I don't post to this very often but I hope you enjoy following what I have shared thus far.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Open For Business

Entering the world of blogging took me a significant amount of time to execute. I wanted to make sure that I had the time to give to take blogging seriously. After all, it is a commitment that I am making to readers from around the world. Frequent posts and updates are a necessary part of the unwritten contract that exists between blogger and reader. As a frequent reader of popular Church blogs, I see first hand the challenges that individuals face to keep their blog updated on a regular basis. With this in mind, I still decided that I wanted to give it a shot. I finally had decided to throw my hat into the ring a few days ago.

As a Catholic Seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, I look forward to the opportunity to share with others some of my experiences in the seminary. My blog will give individuals an inside look at what life is like for a seminarian in the Catholic Church today. But even though much of my life has been given to the Church, I still have other things that I enjoy doing outside of "church circles". So, you can expect that from time to time, my blogs will include personal opinions on events from around the world, trips I have taken, things that I find funny or enjoy watching, witty humor and jokes that make me laugh. Movie critiques, food and restaurant reviews and much much more.

So to conclude my first blog, I want to thank God for His many gifts. My health, family and friends and the gift of His Son who we wait for in joyful Hope this Advent Season.

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